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Data makes it easier to understand the present and prepare for the future. 

For example, when we consider how different generations approach giving, we glimpse what the future of generosity might look like.  

We asked over 2,000 U.S. adults, “If you had to choose, would you prefer to give digitally or in person by check or cash?”

Here are the percentages of people who chose “digitally,” broken out by generation:

  • Gen Z (53%)

  • Millennials (53%)

  • Gen X (49%)

  • Boomers (38%)

  • Elders (45%)

Younger generations are more likely to prefer digital means of giving, but cash and check donations will likely play a role for decades to come.

Digital Giving Preferences by Generation

This finding comes from A New Era of Giving: How Millennials & Gen Z Approach Stewardship. It’s the seventh volume in our State of Generosity Series, created with Gloo and a collective of partners. We encourage you to pick up a copy.

A New Era of Giving | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]

A New Era of Giving | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]


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If you’d like more help exploring the relationship between technology and church ministry, join us for our upcoming CoLab AI & Tech in Your Church: Determining the Role New Technologies Play in Your Ministry.

At the end of the six weeks, you’ll have developed your own guiding principles and practices to navigate AI and other technologies in your personal and pastoral life and for your specific church.

Learn More About the Upcoming CoLab

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We think you'll enjoy these additional Barna resources:

The Heart of the Giver | The State of Generosity Series (Paperback)

The Heart of the Giver | The State of Generosity Series (Paperback)


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The Impact of Women | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]

The Impact of Women | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]


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Beyond the Offering Plate | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]

Beyond the Offering Plate | The State of Generosity Series [Digital Report]


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